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Statements from the Conference

“The Dunkerque 2010 declarations contain the essential means to evolve developing European policies. They contain the vital elements of our ideas and work so we need to put all our energy behind them. This is a key moment for the construction of what I call a European community of local governments for sustainable development. We want to be listened to and brought on board. We need to work more effectively together whatever the limitations”.

Michel Delebarre - Former Minister of State; Mayor of Dunkerque; President of the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque; Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion (COTER)

“The theme of the conference – the sustainability of cities – is without any doubt vital for the debate around the future of cohesion policy. Also from a personal point of view, I consider the role of cities as crucial when it comes to tackling some of Europe's most important future challenges. I can therefore only underline what you have written down in your declaration: We need cities and local authorities as full partners for achieving smart, sustainable and socially inclusive growth in Europe. Cohesion policy will (...) need to play an important role to facilitate and strengthen this process”.

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, European Commission

“How many international agreements or strategic documents are still ignoring the role of local governments? How many gatherings like today’s are needed? How many declarations from local and regional authorities are necessary? The Congress will continue advocating for the role of cities and regions and calling for its formal recognition, not only at European level but also globally, because the challenges of this century are global. (...) Local and regional authorities are indispensable stakeholders in any climate agreement. Cities and regions represent the most appropriate level of governance for public awareness-raising and citizens’ mobilisation, and they can assume an even stronger role in combating climate change and adapting to its consequences. But to this end, the necessary political and financial support is needed from both international organisations and national governments”.

Gaye Doganoglu, Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Development, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe

“In its current role holding the European Union Presidency, Spain has placed Climate Change and Sustainable Development amongst its list of priorities as elements of social transformation and generators of employment and wealth. We have accordingly introduced these objectives into our national strategy -promoting change towards a new growth paradigm based on a sustainable society-, transferring them into a Sustainable Economy Draft Law. For this reason, it gives me great satisfaction to receive the messages from de Dunkerque 2010 Sustainable Cities and Towns Conference within our present role at the UE Presidency”.

Francisco Cadarso, Senior Advisor, Spanish Ministry for the Environment

Testimonials leading up to the Conference

"The success of the “Aalborg process on local sustainability” illustrates the growing ambition of local leaders to achieve a higher degree of sustainability in our cities and towns within a common European framework. Through the Aalborg Charter and Commitments, thousands of local governments in Europe have seriously committed themselves to enhance the sustainability of their urban areas. The concepts and ideas of these groundbreaking documents will be explored once again, and re-confirmed within a changing European and global context."

Emanuele Burgin - President Local Agenda 21 Italy; on behalf of the partners of the European Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign

« C'est par l'échange de nos expériences que nous pourrons faire avancer le développement durable de nos territoires. La conférence de Dunkerque donnera l'opportunité aux villes portuaires de faire reconnaître à l'échelon européen le caractère exemplaire d'un certain nombre d'initiatives qu'elles ont prises en faveur d'un développement respectueux de l'environnement. »

Vojko Obersnel - Maire de Rijeka

"The Committee of the Regions is convinced that local and regional governments will play a vital role in implementing the EU's sustainable development strategy, and will be strongly enganged in finding concrete solutions"

Luc Van den Brande - President of the Committee of the Regions

"For many years, France's major towns and cities - and their associations - have been committed to comprehensive policies of sustainable urban development in their area. It therefore makes perfect sense for the Association des Maires des grandes Villes de France (Association of Mayors of Major French Cities) to want to get involved with the Dunkirk Urban Community to organize the 6th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns, which will be held in Dunkirk in 2010"

Michel Destot - President of the Association des Maires des Grandes Villes de France, Deputy Mayor of Grenoble.

"Dunkirk and its president, Michel Delebarre, are inviting us, via this 6th Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns, to take immediate action to build what is to become the city of the future: more respectful towards the environment, certainly, but also seamlessly combining economic activities and housing and, above all, placing its residents at the heart of his governance. French urban communities - major players in urban sustainable development - are clearly at the center of these challenges, and it is the ACUF's duty to support and actively participate in this major European meeting on the future of European towns and cities."

Gérard Collomb, President of Grand Lyon, President of the French Urban Communities Association (l’Association des Communautés Urbaines de France)

"We are pleased to lend our support to these events. In fact, sustainable development is a major challenge for our association, which has initiated a cycle of reflection on sustainable development in urban renovation projects."

Claude Dilain - Mayor of Clichy-sous-bois, President of the Association Ville et Banlieue de France (Association of French Cities and Suburbs).

"We are proud to invite you to Dunkerque for a three day journey through the landscape of local sustainability efforts in Europe. Now more than ever, the financial, social, and climate challenge requires you to formulate and commit to innovative, progressive, sustainable responses. By attending Dunkerque 2010, you can reflect and exchange, as well as generate new ideas that serve to make communities across Europe better places to live. In Dunkerque, we will touch upon related international policy processes, local innovation, political networking, and partnerships with businesses. We know that European local governments have the power and potential for bold local actions and visionary collaboration. Your active participation will make Dunkerque 2010 the most prominent, triennal, local sustainability rendez-vous in Europe."

Gino Van Begin - Regional Director for Europe; Deputy Secretary General ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability

"The concept of 'Think Global, Act Local' is at the heart of sustainable development. Our small towns, often a source of innovative policies, play a key role in driving through this approach"

Martin Malvy - President of the APVF (Association of Small French Towns)

"By adopting the Charter for sustainable development of port cities at the 10th International Conference of Cities and Ports in Sydney in 2006, the members of the AIVP confirmed their willingness to pursue this type of action. Consequently, the partnership proposal devised by Dunkirk in the context of the 6th European Conference has received the AIVP's wholehearted approval"

Jean-Pierre Lecomte - President of the Association Internationale Villes et Ports (International Cities and Ports Association)

"The subject of sustainable development has been part of our working practices for many years ... we plan to participate in the next event on sustainable development organized by Dunkirk with renewed vigour..."

Guy Geoffroy - President of the Association des Éco Maires (Association of co-Mayors), Mayor of Combs-la-Ville, Member for Seine et Marne.

"As you know, I pay close attention to this subject, which - in my opinion - is an interesting illustration of the natural link between objectives defined by the European Union and the role of local and regional governments. Within the framework of their authority, they hold the leverage needed to promote action in this area"

Louis le Pensec - Former Minister, President of the Association Françaises du Conseil des Communes et Régions d’Europe (French Association of Municipal and Regional Councils in Europe).

"Issues concerning the sustainable development of medium-sized cities and their inter-communality are at the heart of what we do"

Bruno Bourg-Broc – Mayor of Chalons-en-Champagne, President of the Fédération des Maires des Villes Moyennes (Federation of Mayors of Medium-sized Cities)